“Digital detox” was a term gaining in popularity in 2019 and 2020… and then the pandemic hit.
For many families, the focus went from striving for a balanced use of technology to leaning on it just to get through the days. But that doesn’t mean that a digital detox isn’t worth the effort. Many of us need it now more than ever.
Lots of parents feel that their kids (and they themselves) should have more screen-free time. That becomes more challenging when non-digital activities like sports and playdates aren’t happening, and when learning and working move to a digital format.
However, the benefits of a detox – which is a reduction or elimination of screen time for a defined period of time — are clear. Limiting screen time can lead to more quality time spent together, more opportunities for physical activity, more time spent outdoors, and more room for creativity and connection.
Rather than committing to a permanent reduction in screen time, a digital detox means letting go of screen time for a shorter period of time. A weekend is usually a good start.
Committing to a detox as a family keeps everyone accountable to each other. If one weekend goes well, you could try expanding it to one afternoon or one day a week, or one weekend out of every month. Whatever you choose, spending more screen-free time as a family is a positive step.
Here are some ideas for how to accomplish a digital detox, as well as some ideas for how to spend your screen-free time together: